At first I wanted to join the National Service Programme but I wasn't chosen. Then, I heard of Askar Wataniah during my diploma days, but I was not courageous enough to take part. And finally this year, the guts got into me and I actually signed up for AW alone! But it did really took me quite a long time to make this decision. I was worried about something that it might not even cross other people's mind. I actually worried more of ah piao than anything else!

Before recruiting us as the members of AW, we were to go through some body check ups and physical training where we had our blood tested, x-rayed and eye checked. As for the physical training, we ran for 18 rounds (slightly bigger than a basketball court) and had push-ups and star jumps in between! It was crazy! I almost gave up joining AW because of this as i really hate to run! After knowing that I was enlisted, I wasn't as thrilled. I was quite confused in fact; whether to take it or not. I backed out a little. But still I wanted to give it a try as I was more afraid of regretting than to running. Then I did some shopping in Carrefour where I spent about RM200 for the stuffs I needed in the camp. Socks, shoes, shirts, towel, hairbands, pants, toiletries, stationaries, watch, hankerchief, baju kurung and list goes on. Only to know that I didn't not have those things when I needed them. I proclaimed these stuffs as my investment then.

It was really tough during the first two weeks of training. Physical training every morning which include of endless sit ups and push ups, runnings, rollings, jumpings, etc etc. Though it was only 45 minutes of training, it seemed ages! And not forgetting the marching session where we marched under the scorching sun and rainy days. The Latihan Tembakan was something awesome too! How many people in their life hold and shoot a M16 with real bullets? But I did! And we spent 4 days 3 nights in the oil palm where we slept in the tent we built ourselves (but flooded), cooked our own meals, fighted the enemies, soaked in dirty ponds, poo-ed and pee-ed in the open toilet, climbed and rolled, walked for miles, had no bath at all and tortures from the trainers. It wasn't easy, really.

I remember how we used to pant so badly after each run and those huge drops of sweat, how we used to give encouragement to each other and helps and concerns showered. We cried and we laughed. Tears and blood flowed simultaneously. But still, we've pulled it through! There were so many tough times we had together. If it wasn't for friends and self-discipline, I wouldn't have made it to the end by myself. I'm so glad that I've made some good friends in there who I can really depend on. They're like my pillar and supported me in all ways. Friends have no boundaries, right?I'm so loving them!
This one month training has bring me to another stage of life where I grew again; to be able to look at the world and people from different perspectives. Besides, through this camp it has proven right again that mental toughness is something so powerful that keeps me going all this while. I think nothing beats me for now even darkness! =)