Thursday, September 11, 2008

Gunung Stong

My third hiking experience. The bag was heavy this time with all the food they stuffed in my backpack but somehow I didn't feel burden out of it. Kinda used to the weight I guess. Surprisingly, I felt better this time with an opened heart. I tried to let go of everything that was jumbling in my mind and heart. I knew I have to let go.

It seems that the person who came into my life or any new friend that I met with (who we clicked really well) are sent from above from Him. And He has been looking after me , I know. With all the courage and strengths that I feel from Him, I move further. Everything happens for a good reason.

Back to abseiling, we did the dry abseil from the waterfall. It was not as easy as what I thought initially but eventually, it was not as tough as I thought anymore. I managed to slow down my pace and enjoy the way I was tied up to the ropes and the whole surrounding.

What I love about hiking is that I really get to know myself better and more during and after each hiking experience. The best thing of all was I received a little surprise from myself every time from the trip. The force from nowhere was so strong that it made a change in me. Somehow I was wondering to myself; for how long will I keep this force going like this. But right now I know it is still moving! =)